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Private Car Hire Vocational License (PDVL) - Paper 1
Question 1
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Your income as a licensed professional chauffeur is dependent on __________
terrorist, racial and religious incidents will reduce my income.
my country's social safety.
all of them.
my country's security.
What is high blood pressure?
The condition in which the heart fails to pump the blood around the body.
The condition in which blood is pumped around the body at too high a pressure.
It is a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently reduced.
The condition in which blood is pumped around the body at too low a pressure.
What is domestic terrorism?
Terrorist acts committed by PRs or citizens.
Same as foreign terrorism
Terrorist acts committed by non-citizens.
Terrorist acts committed by anyone.
How can we disinfect our cars in the most economical way?
Wind up all windows and leave the car exposed to the sun for 30mins.
Send the car for an expensive car wash.
Wind down all windows and leave the car exposed to the sun for 30mins.
Wind up all windows and leave the car in the car park for 30mins.
What is G.S.T in customer service contact?
Good and Service Tax
Greet, Smile & say Thank you
Greet, Smile & Talk less
Greet & Say Thanks
What does it mean when you doctor say that your blood pressure (BP) is 120/80?
Systolic BP is 120 and diastolic BP is 80
Diastolic BP is 40 and systolic BP is 80
Systolic BP is 120 and diastolic BP is 40
Diastolic BP is 120 and systolic BP is 80
For effective communication, the Tone of voice or how you say it can lead to misunderstanding with the passenger, which of the following statement is "Condescending"?
Everyone knows that it is illegal for a taxi to stop at a bus-stop! Do not argue with me! I have been driving longer than you have been riding in one.
If you are not happy, just complain!
You asked me to decide so I use CTE! Now you're blaming me for the jam?
Sure. I can drive as fast as the airplane if you want me to.
What are the 5 key factors of Quality Chauffeured Services?
Sound Regulations, Competent Drivers, Booking Service Providers, Enlightened Customers and Competent Companies/Fleet owners.
Sound Regulations, Competent Drivers, Booking Service Providers, Luxury Vehicle and Competent Companies/Fleet owners.
Sound Regulations, Competent Drivers, Booking Service Providers, Enlightened Customers and Luxury Vehicle.
Luxury vehicle, Competent Drivers, Booking Service Providers, Enlightened Customers and Competent Companies/Fleet owners.
What is healthy lifestyle?
Healthy lifestyle is to practice good eating habits but need not exercise
Healthy lifestyle is to practice good health habits and giving up harmful ones
Healthy lifestyle is to enjoy your life to the fullest with drinking and smoking
Healthy lifestyle is to making more money to buy what you want
What is the fine imposed on the motorists caught leaving their vehicle engines idling more than once?
Fine $30
Fine $50
Fine $100
Fine $200
What are the health risks when there is too much cholesterol in the blood?
Be overweight
Heart attack and stroke
Blood vessels become narrow and hard
Tend to lose balance and fall
Why do I need to signal before turning, changing lane or stopping?
Avoid payment of fines
Give other motorists ample time to react
Use the signal lights that are provided for
Avoid road rage
Why is it important to wash hands frequently?
They will not feel sticky especially in hot weather
Keep them clean and fresh
There are bacteria on the hands
Feel good when shaking hands with others
When you have the right of way, must you avoid an accident?
No, I just follow the rules of the road.
Yes, only if I want to give way to the other party.
Yes, even when I have the right of way, I must avoid accidents.
No, since I have the right of way.
What is the purpose of a N95 mask?
Worn by firemen only.
Worn to filter out airborne particles.
Worn to prevent airborne diseases which are spread through liquid droplets.
Worn during surgery.
Who is a good driver?
A driver who is not reckless
A driver who is not fatigue
A driver who is not careless
A driver who is alert and possesses the skill to avoid accidents
What is road safety about?
Keeping the roads clear.
Avoiding accidents
Right of way
Reaching the destination faster.
How do you avoid a collision with the vehicle in front?
Flash headlights to warn the driver in front.
Observe the 2-second rule and avoid distractions.
Honk the driver ahead so that he will drive faster.
Drive slower than the speed limit of the road.
What should you do when a tyre is punctured while you are driving?
Drive slowly to a fuel station to pump air.
Drive to the nearest workshop for repair.
Continue to drive as the inside of the tyre has a rim.
Brake intermittently, signal and move to the side of the road.
What will happen to a child passenger who is not secured by a child restraint and is standing between the two front seats during a head-to-rear collision?
The child will fall backwards.
The child will cry aloud in fear.
The child will be flung forward.
The child will fall to the rear floor mat.